Helping our children get the most out of


we take the time to listen to our children, understand their journey to date and what they aspire to in the future.
everything we do is focussed on giving our children the opportunity to be the person they were destined to be.
by providing our children with safety and security, we arm them with strength and resilience that allows them to aspire to something bigger and better.
by arming our children with the life skills they need we give them the platform to realise their true potential.

We believe that what people need is the safety, security and life skills that give them the opportunity to be the person they were destined to be.

Everything we do is focussed on helping people aspire to something bigger and better. Through our LIFE approach we place people at the heart of everything we do and help them realise an opportunity you never thought possible.

how we do it

Promoting positive behaviour

Omega Care operates within a positive behavioural management framework with clear, negotiated boundaries and aspirations, and use restorative practices, where appropriate to:

  • move forward
  • restore and support stability
  • promote understanding and empathy
  • promote resilience and the young person’s ability to overcome negativities

Staff will support every young person to identify what generates happiness for them as individuals, staff will then work with the young person to develop this further promoting a virtuous cycle.

Positive progression

We will always see the child first, valuing them for who and what they are, and what they bring, and any complexities as secondary.

The settings make use of a dedicated version of the ILP, specifically designed for use in the Children’s Homes. This is delivered in a child centred manner, fully recognising individual learning styles.

Progression through placement is measured using the innovative COMPASS measuring monitoring tool, addressing 12 key areas. Outcomes are addressed and monitored effectively.

People focussed service

Our staff are central to all aspects of delivering meaningful services and operate within a ‘whole team’ approach.

All of our staff are supported effectively and receive extensive training including working to our ethos, partnership working, RPI, safeguarding etc, and have ongoing access to further developmental opportunities.

All staff complete training in adverse childhood experiences to support a trauma informed approach.
We aim to enable a relationship based way of working with children and young people and to ensure coherence and consistency of approach.

Ensuring each child feels valued

As a service we are committed to ensuring the rights of the young person and to enabling their voice to be meaningfully heard.

A range of mechanisms are in place to facilitate this, with young people being made fully aware of their rights.

This includes their right to make a complaint-the process is clear and adaptable to meet the needs of the individual.

A part of our community

Children and young people are actively supported to engage and participate within the local community and to see themselves as a member of the neighbourhood.

We have established good working relationships with Local Authority education offices and aim to offer a home environment which supports informal education combined with the pursuit of personal interests.

A platform for growth

All of our homes operate an EHP programme to promote and support individual growth, with voucher rewards when individualised targets are achieved.

In order to ensure effective and stable placements, all settings use the Omega 3 stage admissions process.
This addresses impact assessments, matching processes and the ability of the individual setting to provide appropriate care, support and accommodation.

We want children and young people to experience stability, a secure base, and a physically and emotionally safe home environment within which they are enabled to thrive.

Work alongside

We're proud of and grateful for every single partner we have worked with.